Day 23 – Meditation Revisited


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Meditation Revisited

Breathe deep, feel yourself dissolve into peace

Fill your lungs with air, let the healing grow

Settle into now, silence your mouthpiece


Feel your pulse slowing, heart pressure decrease

Allow you to be, unclench the ego

Breathe deep, feel yourself dissolve into peace


Don’t fight the tempo, throw out the timepiece

Inhale the moment, the turbulent flow

Settle into now, silence your mouthpiece


We are to suffer, until we decease

Exhale the poison; gift to the willow

Breathe deep, feel yourself dissolve into peace


Do you ruminate? Just breathe and release

What was staccato, now leveled tempo

Settle into now, silence your mouthpiece


Imagine oneness with null masterpiece

Soft summer current born from undertow

Breathe deep, feel yourself dissolve into peace

Settle into now, silence your mouthpiece.


This poetic form is called a villanelle

6 thoughts on “Day 23 – Meditation Revisited

  1. You have nailed the villanelle form…so so difficult to master.
    I like this meditation exercise poem. I’m breathing deep and dissolving into sleep:)
    Hope you choose NapoWriMo prompt for day 24. Medieval illustrated porn done by wicked French monks. ROFL

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you. Unfortunately the day 24 prompt isn’t grabbing at my muse. I don’t feel a connection with it, so I’ll probably pass.

      I honestly don’t know what I’ll write about tonight. I’ll have to retreat to my quiet spaces and see what happens. 🙂


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