My Ghost, No Longer at This Address


My doorway.

My Ghost, No Longer at This Address

Upon my untimely death,

a chaotic redundancy

as death is untimely


except suicide,

which I don’t currently abide,

but that’s another vibe…


I request my epitaph be

“Life was often confusing,

difficult, and demoralizing,

but I laughed a lot,

so maybe it wasn’t all bad.”


Verbose, yes; feel free

to edit before placing

on headstone, or urn.


I have no preference

on my corpse’s disposal.

If I’m right, it is

only an empty shell anyway,


as sturdy abandoned houses

that once hosted countless

Christmas dinners

are no longer homes.


The phenomenon

or mechanism of me

is long gone from here.

** *

Written for imaginary garden with real toads FASHION ME YOUR WORDS ~ Lets build houses. Also shared at Poets United’s Poetry Pantry #377.

As we’re close to Halloween – widely regarded as the point where the threshold between the living and the dead is at its weakest – I found myself thinking less of home building, and more of ghosts, including my own, leaving their bodies (their homes for the duration of their lives) for the first time.


29 thoughts on “My Ghost, No Longer at This Address

  1. Great comparison of the body after death to the house now empty. I agree heartily with the epitaph. Since I’ve always loved new adventures, I’ve requested my epitaph be “What’s next?”

    Liked by 1 person

    • I don’t even remember where my parents are buried. My grandma told me that if I was looking for my mom at the graveyard, I won’t find her there… that resonated with me. Now I see her in many things.

      Thanks for reading me. Glad you enjoyed it.:)


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