NaPoWriMo Day 26 – Banned from the Barbecue for Mansplaining While Grown Women are Talking

Photo by Mizzu Cho from Pexels

Banned from the Barbecue for Mansplaining While Grown Women are Talking

With all disrespect
just shut the fuck up
don’t need your connects
get touched-up, you suck up

you cluck-up on my time?
cock-of-the-walk? oh,
“so witty”, you primetime?

I’ll click-up that block button
like the cock-up on my burner
go head, talk that slick-mutton
and get clapped-back, sack-churner

now you caught in the payback
platoon halt, Mr. Wayback!
turn to salt when you backtrack
ain’t my fault that you lack tact

forget my name and lament
your time, lost, out of turn
reset the game and repent
your crime, never return

in all truth, we don’t fuck with you
and that’s your one and only clue
so don’t press your luck with grown folk
or prepare to duck, tuck or choke

when I cast-out every demon
masquerading as silly jokes
starting with you.

Written for NaPoWriMo Day 26, but off-prompt, as writing a parody didn’t move the needle with me. Instead, I wrote from the perspective of a woman reclaiming her time.

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