common tempest


common tempest


pooling downward

joining creak to marshland

ponds, streams, tributaries fed by

her tears



chasing lightning

sonic reverb transfer

potential, kinetic shudder

his pain



rushing downward

life uprooted, falling

order, chaos, all the same vibe




churning, winding

carving stone like putty

flushing nutrients to deltas




what’s left behind

river lapping edges

touching, lingering at tidepools




chasing lightning

life uprooted, falling

touching, lingering at tidepools


** *

Written for dVerse Poetics: The River. Paul Dear is guest hosting. The river theme is his baby. Feel free to drop by and check out other poets’ river-themed poems.


22 thoughts on “common tempest

  1. And, you would add a FM video too.


    Barry, this is beautifully done and I am happy to see you get involved with some of the prompts too! Goodness, this takes me back to the days of Free… so so long ago 😔.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Tre, Rumors is one of my all-time favorite albums! Granted I was 4 when it came out, but I developed an appreciation for it after digging through my parent’s collection. 🙂

      I was considering making my NaPoWriMo a Rumors-themed event, but that’s probably too much pressure for me.

      Ahh… I have fond memories of the Freestyle forum. You and Vic are the only 2 I kept in touch with, though. Sometimes I miss the old gang.

      Liked by 1 person

    • *nodding in agreement*

      I was going for a “can’t live with you; can’t live without you” vibe, but the form I chose was limiting. I kept painting myself into corners. I’m happy with it though.

      Thanks for reading!


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